Hello Friends. I haven’t shared on my blog consistently for a long time because I felt like no one cared. I started blogging in 2014 to document our farm restoration, share my artwork, and our simple lifestyle. I wrote consistently for 4 years, but only my mom and a few close friends bothered to read what I shared. Then I opened my Instagram account and suddenly people could find my content. Over the next several years the Bryarton Farm family grew to thousands of people on the Instagram platform. I absolutely loved being able to pour out creative content, share our story, and build deep connected relationships with people all over the world on Instagram. It seemed perfect.

Then things started happening that completely changed my perspective. For instance, a dear friend of mine who had been sharing on Instagram for years lost absolutely everything to a hacker. She lost 99.9 thousand followers and all of her work in a matter of minutes. We’re talking thousands of incredible videos, gorgeous photos, and the story of her life gone forever. She reached out to Instagram itself for help in fighting her hacker, but they did nothing. I tried to get as many people as I could to help her fight the hacker as well, but he just continued to change his username and deleted all of her content to avoid prosecution. As an artist, my heart aches for her. It’s as if someone burned down the gallery that housed all of her artwork and killed all of the friendships she had worked so hard to build. I realized that she never owned the land that she was sharing on, so nothing was truly hers to begin with and she couldn’t ever get her content back.

Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube are great places to find your tribe because they use algorithms to help connect like-minded people. If you love following families who live a simple country life, for example, you can also use hashtags or easily search for the content you love on these apps. They make it all so easy! They spoon feed consumers the content they love. But nothing you share is truly yours and these corporations can choose to take it all away or let a hacker steal your work. These apps don’t care about people, only money.

In 2021, I am resolved to return to my blog. This is the land that I own. No one can tell me what I can share or control my voice, and though I could get hacked I’m not dependent on a heartless corporation to save me. I’m not going to stop sharing on Instagram, but I will be making a concerted effort to keep my most precious memories and work here where it’s backed up. There are multiple copies of everything on this platform. Videos of my beautiful babies, photography, paintings, and design work that I have artfully created is safe. When I write a post sharing the Gospel, I don’t have to fear that a corporation will silence me or hide my message.

As we head to India in a couple of weeks to get custody of our daughter, I want to share our journey in a safe place. I would be absolutely devastated if we ever lost the priceless videos and pictures of the first moment we held Ellie Pearl or the beauty of her birth country. I really enjoy sharing our life with you, but we don’t live our life to entertain people. I’m journaling our story mainly for us. When my girls are all grown up I want to be able to look back at all of our precious family memories in the virtual scrapbook of my blog.

I know it takes a little more effort for you, my friends. You can’t just scroll through an app to find my blog posts. You will have to subscribe to my email list or type out the words BryartonFarm.com in your search bar to find my content. But I hope that you consider what I share to be worth the extra bit of effort. I hope that this return to my land will bring us closer together. After all, true friendship is not based on convenience, it’s based on mutual respect and love.

I am not leaving Instagram. I’m just going to share more of my content on my blog than Instagram. I want to thank everyone for your understanding and support. We truly appreciate those of you who are willing to make this small change in how we connect. Much love from your friend, Sara Jo

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